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just you! 

Willing Vessels,


Today I was just inspired to share a portion of a scripture that has been really helping me and a few words of encouragement: 


"Many, O Lord My God are the wonders you have done, the things you have planned for us no one can recount to you ; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare..." (this next part is what really got me ) "- Sacrifice and offering you did not desire but my ears you have pierced [opened]. Burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require-[watch this] 

Then I said " Here I am, I have come- it is written in the scroll. I desire to do your will o my God; your law is within my heart."
{psalm 40:6-8}

Sometimes we offer God everything under the sun,and all  he wants is for us to say (and mean it with our entire being) "Lord Here I am, I have come... I desire to do your will. " A sincere YES is all he is desiring and requiring. We can't please God while being OUTSIDE of his will. We can't offer God anything but our ourselves.  Sometimes we allow the demands of our daily lives and routines to consume us and we neglect our relationship with him, we neglect seeking his will, and we neglect the care of our spirit man because we are so busy gratifying our flesh. However, it is most important for us to step back and daily tell God " Here I am, I know that this thing is pulling my attention, that thing is pulling for my time, but they can wait. Lord, it is YOUR will that I desire to do. " God does so much for us all day everyday and it is  Just YOU that he desires. 
Let us pray : 

Abba Father, 
Thank you for loving and pursuing us relentlessly. Sometimes we lose sight and even 

get overwhelmed trying to please you when all we have to do is just come to you with a sincere yes in our hearts. 
O God, today we come to you saying please forgive us for anything that is standing between us and

we say Here I am, I Have come to thee o Lord. Thank you for never giving up on us, thank you for being faithful to us. 

thank you for opening our ears, thank you for your infallible word of truth that's in our hearts so that we don't sin against you!

Father God, it is you that we need, it is your will that we desire. Help us Lord to daily seek your will and be willing

to follow you even if we are uncomfortable. Thank you for choosing us to be vessels ready to use for your marvelous works. Help us Lord

to #reflectCHRIST in everything we do. 

in Jesus' Name , Amen... 

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